Seminar evaluation Crash course Professional Product Management Lecture manner1 (very good)2 (good)3 (satisfactory)4 (sufficient)5 (poor)Overheads1 (very good)2 (good)3 (satisfactory)4 (sufficient)5 (poor)Seleced themes1 (very good)2 (good)3 (satisfactory)4 (sufficient)5 (poor)Examples1 (very good)2 (good)3 (satisfactory)4 (sufficient)5 (poor)Simulation1 (very good)2 (good)3 (satisfactory)4 (sufficient5 (poor)Realistic1 (very good)2 (good)3 (satisfactory)4 (sufficient)5 (poor)Usability1 (very good)2 (good)3 (satisfactory)4 (sufficient)5 (poor)Documents1 (very good)2 (good)3 (satisfactory)4 (sufficient)5 (poor)Organisation1 (very good)2 (good)3 (satisfactory)4 (sufficient)5 (poor)Total impression1 (very good)2 (good)3 (satisfactory)4 (sufficient)5 (poor)( 1 = very good, 2 = good, 3 = satisfactory, 4 = sufficient, 5 = poor )I am interested in a further seminar on a theme:First name:*Surname:*Company:Date: TT Bindestrich MM Bindestrich JJJJ Further remarks: Which overall impression did you have from this seminar? Which positive or negative aspects attracted your attention? Which further themes should be dealt with? Do you have suggestions for future meetings? Thank you verymuch for your kind assistance.Would you allow us to use your remarks as citations at the next seminar?* Pflichtfelder* Yes No * Pflichtfelder